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Q:  Why can't my units cannot move to a territory that is within their appropriate moving distance?
A:  Well there are two potential reasons. 

First, if it's in regards to a 2 moving unit (cavalry, knights, or generals), then there are enemy units blocking all paths to that territory.  You may not pass through enemy units.

Second, if this is not the case, that's what we call a "movement bug".  Please post the starting location, end location, and possible paths in the forums under the movement bugs thread.  We fix these issues with each release of the software.

Q:  Why is it that I cannot load my ships sometimes?
A:  The most common reason is that you have not "un-stacked" them during your naval movements phase.  To load a ship, you must have your ships as 1 spot units.

It could also be that the unit did not start adjacent to the ship. Even fast moving units must be adjacent to the ship in order to load.

Q:  Why can I not unload my ships?
A:  The most common reason is that you moved your ship this turn.  You cannot unload a ship that has moved.  Also, you may not bridge more than 1 load of units.  The second load will remain on the ship.
Q:  Why does my general have a 0 for its ability points?
A:  When you first buy a general, it will have 0 ability points. This is to keep players from buying generals and closing the program until they get a 10. If the general places, it will randomly get an ability score of 1-10.
Q:  I moved my units into an opposing territory and it seems my enemy moved his units into my territory but no battling happened. Weren't they supposed to fight in the middle?
A:  Currently, there is no way for the game to know if you pass through enemy units. Instead, if two players move into each other's territories, they will not fight and will conqure each other's territories. It's a good idea to make sure the territory you are leaving is defended.
Q:  Do knights get first strike on defense?
A:  Yes, knights get first strike on defense, unless the knight is in a city.
Q:  Is this an MMORPG?
A:  No. This is not an MMORPG. This is a turned based strategy game that is played with 28 players per game. New games are created as old games are filled.
Q:  Is there any point to declaring war?
A:  Yes! Though you do not need to declare war in order to get your land units to attack another nations land units (this will happen if you are neutral), you *must* be at war to initiate a sea battle (or have an opponent at war with you/your ally).
Q:  What are the red dots that I see occasionally?
A:  The red dot is the symbol we use to show that there are more units in the territory than could be displayed on the screen. To see what's in the territory, right click the territory (not the dot) and you will have a nice display of the territory's information, including all units present.
Q:  How come my unit keep dieing when I send them into a white territory with no units?
A:  White territories are essentially the uncivilized world whereas the neutral blue territories are just unplayed (typically small) civilizations. What this means is that there is a random chance of running into units when venturing into white territory. These units are not perminent and may or may not reappear if you attack the territory a second time (failed first offensive).
Q:  Where did my ally button go?
A:  In the Full World game, some nations are "Tribal" nations. These nations cannot ally with any other nation and we removed the option entirely for these nations.
Q:  How come my unit keep dieing when I send them into a white territory with no units?
A:  White territories are essentially the uncivilized world whereas the neutral blue territories are just unplayed (typically small) civilizations. What this means is that there is a random chance of running into units when venturing into white territory. These units are not perminent and may or may not reappear if you attack the territory a second time (failed first offensive).
Q:  Can fortification be improved?
A:  Currently, there is no way to permenantly change fortification values.

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